What house will you choose?

Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the wizarding world during the 1800s. Your character which is completely customizable is a student who holds the key to a very old secret. The secret that will likely unfold itself slowly during the game threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. You decide what path your character will follow, a powerful goodhearted wizard, or maybe a brutal dark wizard who isn’t scared of unforgivable curses. Your destiny is still unwritten.
Back in 2020 the first trailer of the game hit the interweb and the community wend wild. For a couple weeks Hogwarts Legacy was all that was being talked about. After a while the hope for updates or newsflashes started to fall considering the game basically vanished. But why didn’t we hear anything after an amazing release trailer? Then at the start of January 2021 the producers send out a message on their twitter account ‘’We would like to thank fans from around the world on the tremendous reaction to the announcement of Hogwarts legacy from our Portkey Games label. Creating the best possible experience for all wizarding world and gaming fans is paramount to us so we are giving the game the time it needs. Hogwarts Legacy will be released in 2022”. After this saddening message there was a very long radio silence as we heard no updates for over 10 months. The rumors were spreading quite quickly online from the cancellation of the game to the once more delaying of the it. Luckily in March a state of play was announced for the 17th of that month. With the promise of highly expected games to show up. The community started to wake up the excitement started to fill our hearts as the anticipation was no longer bearable as it had been for months.
At the state of play we got 15 minutes of game play and some insights of the development team. The clip starts off with some new Fantastic beasts and some classes you will follow during your semester. We also get some new looks at characters and their story like Ranrok and Rockwood who party up to carry out their evil plan. The funny thing is that Ranrok despises wizards like Rockwood, but for the time being probably because of similar interest they work together. Eventually we see some amazing spells and potions being used in action. And we meet a couple of the possible friends we can make during our stay. One of my favorite things that we got to see were the common rooms. I mean we have never actually seen the Hufflepuff common room so that was quite the view even though I’m a Gryffindor myself. At the end of the game play we are given another insight into the secret power we possess and the connection we share with Merlin. Furthermore, we can only speculate what else there is waiting for us in this wide universe of the wizarding world and hopefully we will get a collector's edition!
Release date Hogwarts Legacy; February 10th 2023
Pre order the game here!
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